Samstag, 9. März 2013

Hello Artists, Art Collectors and Aficionados

This blog will show the works of my fellow artists and me in Berlin and other cities.

                                                      Alexander Rodin, Minsk and Berlin
                                          Me and Alexander Rodin in Kunsthaus Tacheles
Since 2011 we had a lot of mutual exhibitions in Berlin, Leipzig, Kreuzberg Pavillon Documenta 13 in Kassel and I am looking forward to exhibit with him and my friends from Arthouse Tacheles in Minsk. Alexander is a great and wellknown artist with a huge heart and I am more than glad to be his friend. Unforgettable his permanent exhibition " Global Warning " in Arthouse Tacheles, Berlin. Here you find some pictures of him and his work.
                                                                      His sketchbook
During an illegal occupation of his studios some security guys, who carried out the occupation, urinated on his sketchbook. So this pictures has a special effect on me.
                                                                              Fatum I
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                                                              Fatum II 
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                                                               Fatum III
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                          live painting during the festival  5 Tage Tacheles
                                                       " 5 Tage Tacheles " Art Festival
                                          Anja Gruber, Joe Marx, Caro Kunde, Alexander,
                                          Bernd Brecht + me
                                                        Victim Of Banks

                                                         Foto Petrov Ahner 
we had so many fine hours together and even during the eviction of arthouse tacheles it was good to know him at my side

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