Freitag, 15. März 2013

Anja Gruber - Artist + Curator

planning an event

Christian von Aster reading and performing during 5 Days Tacheles

Anja Gruber is a multitalented artist, working in different fields, e.g. as an actrice, performer, painter. photographer. Beside her kindness I mostly appreciate her stunning creativity.

whole body painting


Anja during 5 Tage Tacheles

Together we organized and curated two artfestivals in Art House
Tacheles, Berlin: 5 Days Tacheles and Security, please urinate

5 Days Tacheles

Anja Gruber und die Brüder Posin

It was always a great pleasure to me to curate and organize artfestivals with Anja.              

And I am missing the times of our mutual studio in Art House Tacheles, Berlin  

It was cold in January 2012, but there came many visitors to see the exhibition and the performances of the singers, musicians,
actors, writers, showing their solidarity
with Alexander Rodin, who`s studio has
been occupied by an illegal action of      
security guys in the name of banks.......

                a fast drawing of me by Anja 
after 42 minutes you can see a performance of Anja Gruber, Uwe, Rudi and me, in German only                                          


Mittwoch, 13. März 2013

Tacheles evicted but still alive


                                          more than 200.000 signatures to save Tacheles
Tacheles, Linda Cerna + Martin Reiter
In september 2012 Kunsthaus Tacheles has been evicted. Now it is an empty building in the middle of Berlin. Its artists are still working together in projects and exhibitions in Germany and abroad. I am glad to be part of this community as a testified Tacheles Artist.

For further information go to the blog archiv of Martin Reiter, speaker of Kunsthaus Tacheles:

By Prof. Dr. Ulrich KrempelHead of the Sprengel Museum, Hannover, May 1997TACHELES... a story, that art ruins in Berlin-Mitte."Over the years of its existence the Kunsthaus Tacheles has grown into a complex work of art. Indication of this is that far beyond Berlin, Kunsthaus Tacheles, a symbol of the situation of reunified Berlin become the beginning of a fresh, from mercantile considerations largely freed artistic presence . The Kunsthaus Tacheles is available as part of the image of a new profile to the struggling, artistically free Berlin as much internationally.The work of artists over the years is, of course, as with self-managed and initiated projects easy to understand, not without contradictions. However, such organizational problems and issues of the Constitution of the house can be seen rather secondary: in addition to the enormous increase in artistic power and the clarity with which the institution aims at a counterpoint to the existing ruling and institutionalized culture, but the Kunsthaus Tacheles is even, as the operators have been formulated, test arrangement, quasi-art laboratory and thus both housing as well as the subject of artistic activity. Tacheles has a structure and a housing supplement, and both pass through each other, and for the future of Tacheles, this construction must first be ensured. Alternatives are not easy to produce through provision of premises, but the Tacheles itself in its specific design and art strategic location is a place of the development of Berlin - Mitte. Determined yet visible and has profiledThe aspect of the overall work of art has been incorporated in the discussion so far in my opinion totally inadequate. Just as the Tacheles centering international, young, experimental art forms and flowing to Berlin - has promoted the middle, so it is in the present situation as a point of discussion continue living part of an overall artistic process. The Tacheles must be maintained in order to continue the process and can bring solutions to, which started artistically.The combined company as Tacheles art could not disappear from the scene, at the same time without leaving a big hole and a significant loss in the weak structure of contemporary Berlin art situation. Tacheles is a part of Berlin's creative and experimental art presence


Banker by Sebastian Rohr                               Tacheles Theatre
Tacheles from the backyard

Samstag, 9. März 2013

Hello Artists, Art Collectors and Aficionados

This blog will show the works of my fellow artists and me in Berlin and other cities.

                                                      Alexander Rodin, Minsk and Berlin
                                          Me and Alexander Rodin in Kunsthaus Tacheles
Since 2011 we had a lot of mutual exhibitions in Berlin, Leipzig, Kreuzberg Pavillon Documenta 13 in Kassel and I am looking forward to exhibit with him and my friends from Arthouse Tacheles in Minsk. Alexander is a great and wellknown artist with a huge heart and I am more than glad to be his friend. Unforgettable his permanent exhibition " Global Warning " in Arthouse Tacheles, Berlin. Here you find some pictures of him and his work.
                                                                      His sketchbook
During an illegal occupation of his studios some security guys, who carried out the occupation, urinated on his sketchbook. So this pictures has a special effect on me.
                                                                              Fatum I
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                                                              Fatum II 
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                                                               Fatum III
                                                       Foto Ralf Arndt
                                          live painting during the festival  5 Tage Tacheles
                                                       " 5 Tage Tacheles " Art Festival
                                          Anja Gruber, Joe Marx, Caro Kunde, Alexander,
                                          Bernd Brecht + me
                                                        Victim Of Banks

                                                         Foto Petrov Ahner 
we had so many fine hours together and even during the eviction of arthouse tacheles it was good to know him at my side